Thursday, 28 October 2010

Amazing Ferrari Enzo salt flat racer.

So, if you kind of haven't already guessed I like  more performance and motorsport orientated cars and bikes :D
So yeah, that's gonna be more of what is in my blog, with alot of electic/hybrid cars that interest me too, cause I think that's the motoring of tomorrow.
And so onto the content of this post; an absolutely mental Ferrari Enzo. It started off as a fairly standard Enzo, owned by Richard Loose. Whilst on a charity rally he had a bit of a, err, accident on Utah State Route 257, reportedly at over 100mph and his Enzo ended up looking like this:
This would put many off of supercar driver, but not Mr. Loose. Not content with just rebuilding it to standard spec, he decided to go all out.So, ontop of the rebuild, there's upgraded suspension, super skinny 'desert' tyres, and 2 turbo chargers.These giving around 20lbs of boost and the engine and an estimated 1000bhp.
The final quite interesting piece, is a redesigned nosecone, which should keep the car stable theoretially up to nearly 300mph!

Just awesome eh? Lemme know what you think.


  1. Oh and I forgot to mention in the article, It made it up to 238mph when it hit the flats

  2. Gorgeous car, hurts to see it all smashed up like that. :<

  3. Wow a crash like that would definitely put me off driving fast again, don't know whether he's crazy or brave in making his car even faster =P

  4. pffoaawrr nice car, nice wreck..

  5. Its hard to believe someone can build that from that pile at the top. Wow.

  6. That speed could probably allow the car to take off the floor! Love Ferraris.

  7. Yup that's pretty awesome alright. It's an OK car xD

  8. I think he should have been driving a bit more carefully at a charity rally, what if he'd run over an orphan or something? :O
